American Cancer Society's Conquer Cancer Challenge

Culver City, CA

Campaign Information


Top Individuals

Top Teams

TGD Rho Time Steppers $45.00
LACC $41.28
There is Hope $25.00
Mocha Madness $17.34
LSW $10.00
GuamandHawaii $10.00


I'm a team member of: TGD Rho Time Steppers

Hi! I'm participating in the Conquer Cancer Challenge as a member of the TGD Rho Time Steppers team.

Our team is participating to remind our families, friends and neighbors through example about the role that exercise and diet play in limiting the risk of cancer and many other health issues that plague African American people.

Quite frankly it is also a restart for myself. I can't believe I'm the same person that once went out dancing almost nightly, roller skated and played tennis. Today just bringing the trashcans in requires a nap. Obviously it is time to get back to basics and heed the African proverb which states "You have to heal the wound before it ignores the medicine." So true.

Anyway, I've set a modest goal for myself. A $5- $10 contribution toward my  efforts would be appreciated.Thank you.

My Contributors

Pamela D. Garrett $25.00
Trust Guard Security Scanned